
Spring tips for detoxing

Are you ready for a thorough cleaning in no time?, For more energy?

If so, you're not alone! Around every change of season, it is always important to be aware of the changes that take place in nature. The darker months are giving way to the lighter ones. The sun is essential. Our body also reacts to this, And that's why it's important to- and dietary habits adapt to the season and your constitution.

At the end of the winter season, kapha (connected with the elements water and earth) increased. Mucus accumulates faster and toxins get the upper hand. This manifests itself, among other things,. in a feeling of heaviness (both physically and mentally), pain, fatigue and colds or stuck mucus in the cavities.

If you naturally have characteristics that belong to kapha, this will be an extra heavy attack on your overall health.

Kapha can be brought back into balance by exercising more and stimulating your digestion for better drainage so that you feel a little fitter again.

Here are a few tips to help you prepare for spring

  1. Adjust your diet. Emphasize warm, Stimulating, light and nourishing food. Add spices as eg. black pepper, ginger and cardamom and eat seasonal fruits and vegetables. Eat more legumes and less meat.
  2. Stimulate the cleansing power of your body and mind. This can be done by e.g.. exercise more (brisk walks in the sun), exfoliating/dry brushing your body, clean your nasal cavities with a Neti potty or activating yoga- and breathing exercises (e.g. sun salutation and Pranayama).
  3. Get up earlier and go to bed on time. Typically, we have 6-8 hours of sleep needed.
  4. Clean your home. Put a big cleaning in/around your house on the agenda. Cleaning and tidying your home affects your own health: it makes you move, Inspire and organize.
  5. Stimulate your senses daily. Look for scents that are nice for you, Sounds, Flavours and places to visit. Take a different route. This will keep you young and inspired.
  6. Temporarily follow a diet. Have you built up too many fat reserves? Then take a look at a suitable diet that suits you. There are many types of diets nowadays. Ayurvedic cures (Panchakarma) focus on both diet and physical treatment. Ps. You can undergo a 3-day treatment with us!

If you can't quite figure it out, we advise you to come by for a consultation. In a Extended consultation we make a diagnosis of your constitution and give you special advice to start the season in a healthy way.