At- and refresher courses for professionals

Introduction to Ayurvedic Massage

Practical one-day training.

Are you curious about what Ayurveda is and how it can be an addition to supporting overall health. Or do you want to know if Ayurvedic massage is something for you. Then follow this fun and inspiring training where you can learn to massage or lie down yourself. The most important massages are reviewed.

Who is it for?

The training is intended for all therapists to take a look at the world of Ayurveda and massage, as an introduction to the training Ayurvedic Massage Therapist.

Location: The Ayurveda Institute Groningen

In de agenda you will find the date on which the training takes place.

Ayurvedic head massage

Practical one-day training.

A massage ensures that we become aware of our own feelings in body and mind again. Paying attention to the scalp and hair are additional aspects that are part of good self-care. The Ayurvedic head massage (also called: Indian head massage or chiampi) is distinguished by its techniques and use of specific oils. In this training you will practice on each other. In addition to the head, we also pay attention to the neck shoulder area and the face.

Who is it for?

This training is intended as refresher training for Ayurveda therapists, Also suitable for other professionals.

Location: The Ayurveda Institute Groningen

In de agenda you will find the date on which the training takes place.

Ayurvedic foot reflexology

Practical one-day training.

Are you already familiar with foot massages or foot reflexology? Then an Ayurvedic integration can be a nice addition. It gives another dimension to what you once learned. In this training we practice on each other and you will also receive an extensive workbook in which you can read everything.

Who is it for?

This training is intended for Ayurveda therapists, Foot reflexology therapists, or therapists who want to delve into the different facets of foot treatment.

Location: The Ayurveda Institute Groningen

In de agenda you will find the date on which the training takes place.

Introductie Ayurvedisch Koken

Practical one-day training.

Gezondheid begint in de keuken. Een introductie in de Ayurvedische keuken waarbij dieper wordt ingegaan op de constituties, principes en verschillende facetten die om de hoek komen kijken om in balans te komen. Je ontvangt tijdens de training een werkmap met instructies.

Doel | Doelstelling

Gebalanceerd koken en eten als onderdeel van een gezonde leefstijl.

Location: The Ayurveda Institute Winschoten

In de agenda you will find the date on which the training takes place.

Do you want to sign up? Send us a email or use our contact.