het ayurveda instituut
The Art of Nature
Ayurveda, Yoga & Massage
Het Ayurveda Instituut is a unique centre where Ayurveda, Yoga and Massage merge
For over 20 year we inspire others by propagating our mission of the ancient universal life science Ayurveda: As healthy as possible, longest and happiest life possible. Over the years, we have put together a versatile range.
An overview of our offer including prices can be found in our booking system (orange button at the bottom left "make an appointment").
Recovering naturally from your symptoms with the help of Ayurveda
Ayurveda (literally: life science) is an ancient holistic health system that has its roots in India.. Foundation is the 5-element theory (space, air/wind, fire, water and earth). From these elements arise the three bio-energies vata/air, pitta/fire and kapha/water. Ayurveda can help to restore in a natural way in body and mind.
There are many forms of treatment that can be applied specifically to complaint (s) and person.
Yoga classes and consultations that help you stay balanced
Just like Ayurveda, yoga also has its origins in India. Where Ayurveda mainly works on the body, yoga is the science of the connection of our body with our mind. Body awareness is only possible when your mind adjusts to it. Yoga teaches you to engage in this interaction again and leads you to rest, flexibility and happiness in life.
There are different perspectives and yoga forms. The wisdom from yoga and Ayurveda together is called Ayuryoga. This form is also given within our institute (both in groups and individually).
Contact is essential in everyone's life
Touch gives warmth and the right to exist, but can also heal you. Massage is a way to set certain currents in your body in motion so that it can heal again.. It has both a nourishing and cleansing effect.
The Ayurvedic massage distinguishes itself from most other massages by the use of the various herbal oils (tailas). Both physiologically and energetically these oils work well. In India, massage clinics in mainly engineering and as part of the therapy given. Is more emphasis on the entertainment level within the health sector.
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Panchakarma, deep cleansing for body and mind

Comprehensive health check
"The body of the person who is regularly massaged is even well protected in case of injuries and strenuous work.. By undergoing daily oil massages, a person is rewarded with pleasant touch and a well-built body; it gives him strength, a nicer look and it is best able to withstand old age."
– Charaka Samhita Vol. 1, In: 88-89